Sunday, July 26, 2009

You must do Spiritual Warfare for your unsaved loved ones, Unbelievers

You must do Spiritual Warfare for your unsaved loved ones, Unbelievers

You must do spiritual warfare on behalf of the unbelievers, unsaved loved ones in your family or those that you care about,

Paul says:"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ" 2 Cor.4:4 And John tells us that "the whole world is under the control of the evil one." 1 John 5:19. In his wrath against God, Satan satiates his anger by dragging to hell as many souls as he can grab. In a real sense the lost are held hostage to the blinding and binding influence of the evil one. In the parable of the seed and sower. Jesus depicts the demons who rob peopleof the ability to understand the truth as the "birds of the air" that steal the seed. Hostages do not set themselves free.

A rescue is required.

In our burden for the lost, we must understand a vital truth spoken by Jesus: "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil." JOHN 3:19

Each man and woman makes a choice to seek light or to serve self.

Apart from the movement of the individual will to seek the grace of God,

our prayers cannot and will not wrench someone free from the grip of sin and the power of Satan.

But we may still pray in conformity to God's will, who "wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth" 1 Tim 2:4. Peter tells us that he is "not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9. Doctrinal issues of election and free will aside, We must pray in confidence for the salvation of our family members, loved ones and each person God brings across our path. This is God's heart and it must be ours as well.

Petition the Lord God for opportunities to share the Word with those for whom we are praying. Then wait, watch and follow the Holy Spirits promptings, always being "prepared to give an answer" 1 Peter 3:15 to a seeking soul.

The following petition can be prayed as a focused prayer on behalf of the unsaved and the lost.

Prayer for the conversion of Unbelievers and the lost

Father God,

In the name of Jesus,

I bring to you my burden for ___________________________(insert the name of names of the person or persons that you are praying for).

In the Name of Jesus, I claim him or her for Salvation, Deliverance and Healing.

Lord God, I know that it is your desire that_____________________not perish.

Holy Spirit, make Jesus known to _____________________________. Stir within ______________________________the desire to seek Salvation, Deliverance, Healing and convict him or her of sin.

Lord God, soften any and all resistance to the truth, and plant seeds fo the word in __________________'s heart and mind that will penetrate within the

Spirit, Soul and Body.

Lord God, In the Name of Jesus,

Break Satan's power over their will.

Lord God, In the Name of Jesus

Soften their will to receive Jesus.

Lord God, In the Name of Jesus, Make_______________________desperate.

Lord God, in the Name of Jesus Bring ________________________to the end of

Him or herself.

Lord God, in the Name of Jesus, I ask you Holy Spirit to break Satan's power

in_________________________________________'s life.

Holy Spirit, I ask you to silence and subdue the voice of the enemy .

By the Power of the Holy Spirit and The authority of Jesus

I weaken any strongholds in ________________________ life.

Holy Spirit, I ask you to move in your power to separate away from ___________________________________________________________ the influence of Spirits of bondage and stir _____________________________to repentance.

In the Name of Jesus I bind the power of any spirits of confusion and unbelief that would blind the mind's of __________________________________.

Lord God in the name of Jesus, enable _______________________________ to hear your Word with clarity.

Holy Spirit, send a laborer to _____________________________________ to share a word of testimony. In Jesus Name.

So be it, Amen.

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